Late this afternoon, I was busily typing a short article on "Why Stars Twinkle" -- well, that's what it was supposed to be on. I can't talk about why stars twinkle without explaining astronomical "seeing" and adaptive optics and laser guide stars and...
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
"You're important, Daddy."
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
It was the best of flights, it was the worst of flights...
As part of a trip to visit my parents for my father's birthday, I chose to take Northwest flight 98 from Honolulu to Minneapolis. This flight operated on a DC-10, but the DC-10s were being retired, with the final flight January 7, and I needed several thousand more miles to hit top-tier "Platinum Elite" frequent-flyer status, so I figured I'd go for it. I was able to upgrade to World Business Class on the way to Minneapolis, but not on the way back.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
How to get free flights... without flying! :)
If you've read a few of my posts, or looked at some of my photos you might get the impression that I travel a fair bit. And I won't deny it; my butt was in airplane seats last year for the equivalent of 4+ trips around the globe. And yeah, I get some benefits for flying that much - I spent probably 16,000 miles in first or business class, which is a lot more than I paid for. :)
Monday, January 22, 2007
Daniel is leaving tonight on a plane...
Yes, Elton John lyrics. An opening line that's quite familiar to me, and quite often true. Perhaps too often.
So I'm off to Scotland. Off to resume the constant movement and constant
change that I call "life" these days. Yeah. The house is the cleanest
it's been in a long time (mostly 'cos I took the trash and recycles to
where they belong). I've given one of our neighbors a key, in case any
of the various people who're interested in looking after or inhabiting
it in some way while we're all gone actually pan out. I took way too
many bananas to the office, gave some chocolate to a friend, and so on.
I'm sad to be leaving. Maybe because I don't know when I'll return. I
might have a chance to visit for a little bit in early April, or late
May, or early June, or I might come back for the summer in July... but I
honestly don't know yet. Nothing's booked. Nothing's decided that far
in advance. I do know that I want to come back - this place is home. I'm also sad 'cos there are some people here who I'm going to miss.
On the flip side, I'm really looking forward to seeing family in
Scotland, and I'm really looking forward to the other places I'll be
going, and the people I'll be seeing and collaborating with (some of
whom I miss at present).
But I'm still sad.
Maybe it wasn't a good idea to work 55 hours at my main job, start a 5th
part-time job, and do 8+ hours of volunteering in my last 7 days here.
Being on planes and in airports for 24 hours will probably reduce my stress level considerably, if only because I won't be dealing with everything during that time!
I hope to post again later this week... from a markedly different latitude and longitude.
Off I go!
Do you still feel the pain of the scars that wont heal? - Elton John, Daniel
Friday, January 5, 2007
2007: Think "Different"
I'm far enough into the new year to have worked my first shift, given my first public talk and had my first global conference call, and in a couple more days, I'll fly my first round trip of the year. I'm getting a little bit of a feel for what lies ahead, and I think the differences between this year and last may be greater than most of my year-to-year differences have been lately.
Many things are still up in the air at this point, so I can't really divulge details, but I'm optimistic that most if not all of the changes will be for the better. One thing that's certainly off to a better start than in 2006 is travel, since I managed to earn top-tier elite status in 2006. I'm also looking forward to being based in Scotland with family for at least part of the year. As for everything else... stay tuned!Advice on Ivermectin
I've seen a lot of talk about the anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin recently. Specifically, about people taking veterinary formulations in...

After some recent media stories about the health (or not) of our President's finances, I have seen a few commentators suggest that a Pre...
I've seen a lot of talk about the anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin recently. Specifically, about people taking veterinary formulations in...
Apparently there are people out there who know what narwhals taste like... and think that narwhal is an acceptable flavor for a slushy drink...